Is infatuation Scariest Then Love?

shaina butt
5 min readApr 3, 2023


Our infatuation tends to took place rapidly and required a strong attraction and slowly our intensity turned into deep affection, love, and care.

Photo by Amirhosain on Unsplash

What Love got to do first.

I was not a teenager infatuated and did not grow in love but at the age of 33 started to be driven by fantastic feelings. I started distracting myself from my weak sense of love. There was a blurred image of love that remained in my mind when I parted away from my ex-husband. the exquisite part was when I first met the peanut butter of my jelly. (HUSBAND). we were strangers. Butt soon a healthy connection of interaction started I could strongly distinguish between obsession and love yet it was infatuation. still, I did not manage to keep myself away to talk to him. If I call it a life transformation so yes Thus the notion of; Love at first sight did not exist the way it was portrayed in movies and dramas. I did not know how and when I started calling him MY MAN. I significantly start a relationship myself and connected with everything.

How did Infatuation turn Into Love?

The way it was started to explore each other interests, and hobbies. which evoked the desire to keep waiting for that particular person for no reason u realized intense affection probably he might not be as perfect but still u willing to let yourself go with the flow of emotions and sentiments. that increased my ultimate desire to spend much more time with my partner. I thought I was made and meant for him my sentiments and emotion were slipping from my heart. I realized to wait for someone for no reason. A profound to emphasize someone has become great and intense. Deep contentment occurred it was associated with unconditional love.

When I embraced true love?

He was just a man of mine no matter how he looked Talking to him for long hours was an immense pleasure .I clearly saw his flaws and imperfection he made mistakes but his acceptance of my life is up to mark. He was a source of pleasure and relaxation even in his absence. Our communication level was a whole being in which we could talk for hours .By woke up in the morning and I immediately found no other way and just talked to him. I experienced pure happiness just watching my special one when he smiled even though I had a bad mood but it filled my heart with joy.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

How relationships can be strong and healthy.

Make acceptance Of each other.

When you are in love you value your partner’s differences perhaps you strongly disagree. Accepting him or her just as they are today with their vigorous victory or sad failure.

Loyalty and Honesty. Loyalty is not about being loyal in good times but sticking with your partner in his bad phase there is a strong connection between the two.

The Hallmark of communication.

The act of good communication allows someone to connect to their partner’s meets and needs making healthy dialogues without the fear of uncertainty like a flow in the stream and we just swim into crystal clear communication. we spent hours and hours in each other comfort zone and held a companionship. we became an open book a transparent script. I did not afraid to hide what was I experienced in my past. Some rows have grown some columns of love have to describe the maturity of the relationship .no matter if we confronted hidden things in each other

Of course, it all came down because we were genuinely in love while talking to each other the most satisfying thing for me was to make my eye contact and hold the other hands and make my gesture to show my keen interest.

Little keys of listening and Communication.

  • Just sit in front of your buddy and give a lean texture to your partner
  • Make eye contact (eyes are the true reflectors of your words)

. Let the other finish while he or she speaks.

  • Show your genuine interest and affection.
  • Be a silent listener don’t interrupt your partner.
  • To deal with conflicts don’t get angry during a conversation.
  • Sometimes inappropriate words with lean and soft gestures make your communication more effective.
Photo by Hannah Olinger on Unsplash

Build a strong connection with your partner.

Always accomplished his exceptional efforts to make your relationship more stronger. couples should sacrifice their interest just to save their marriages and relations. Do not be over-obsessed with the conclusions and do not be too judgmental Oh, we are the partners, not the enemies who try to defeat others.

For me, silence and ignorance can kill your relationship.

Sharing intimacy and creating a sexual connection.

Intimacy is not about having great sex but glorifying your moments. It is an emotional connection some partners need to feel love to be sexually intimate and some others perform sexually to exhibit it.

  • Sensual intimacy. the most erotic experience with genuine affection being in tune with your partner’s notion of intimacy relates to beyond the thoughts it involves around the feelings of hugging and kissing. it is a magnetic power that indulges two souls in desirable attraction it’s all about the way you are attracted and how you are attracted.
  • Sexual intimacy. ok wait, let me tell you what is the deepest sexual intimacy element which is needed for true sexual pleasure somehow touches the lower level of vulnerability.

Heal your partner’s body rather to explore it

Taking off my clothes

Piece by piece

I turn to u

Unwrap my body

Feel you trace

Its contours

With your finger

To covering

What I now bare

Watch you waken

And wash me

With your eyes

I feel the cloth of your

Skin uncovered

Inviting me in feel

Your breath

(Connemara Wadsworth)

  • Emotional intimacy can be critical its a state of allowing each other to share your deepest emotions and feelings.
  • The most finest way to gratitude your partner for his little deeds.
  • Compliments each other on how they look and how they dress up
  • Either they are not connected physically yet they feel a meaningful desire for love

If I recall the memory of the early days of being a couple how did we spend our time we laugh out loud at silly jokes. he used to hold my hand I followed his footstep when he spoke my whole body became a listener I adore his presence I fantasized about his absence we own each other the way we were we have never tried to change each other for no reason but we shaped the inner beauty we star forgiving what we did feel odd or weird

We were always thankful for having each other in our lives.



shaina butt

shows your pride as a woman set your dignity as a single mother enthusiast passionate human lover with ethics